Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend In Review

Here it goes, my weekend in review:
*My week was very stressful as The Mr. was gone, so when he returned Friday evening I was ecstatic. I was ready to turn over the kids to him and go straight to bed, and I pretty much did just that.

*On Saturday, Thing 2 figured out how to drink from a straw. He is doing very well with it. We have determined that he may be off bottles by the time he turns one after all.

*Also on Saturday, Thing 2 started drinking whole milk, as we were out of formula. He is a couple weeks away from his first birthday so, therefore, a little young to start drinking milk. However, he seemed to enjoy it.

*On Saturday morning, Thing 2 was found standing by himself in the living room without holding on to anything. He didn't stand there very long (less than a minute) before going back to holding on to whatever piece of furniture was closest to him.

*At church this morning, Thing 1 was very well behaved. It was a miracle. Normally we are telling him to sit still, be quiet in church, don't run around, or other things of that nature. Thing 2, however, wanted nothing to do with sitting still.

*Today we actually got some things accomplished around the house before going to church. That never happens. Because of this, we were able to enjoy the day by doing a little shopping. We finally purchase a camera! We also found towels on sale so we purchased some new towels. (The ones we have in our linen closet we actually received as a wedding gift and we have been married for almost 10 years. It was about time to purchase new towels.) I also found a nice purse on sale - 2/3 off it's original price! It was a very successful shopping day!

*I plan to post pictures on this here blog of the new puppy as well as of Thing 1 and Thing 2 as soon as I get a little more familiar with my new camera.

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