Saturday, March 28, 2009

Here's what you've all been waiting for...

Our new puppy - MJ.

Thing 2 at 11 months old.

Thing 1 eating dry cereal with crazy morning hair!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend In Review

Here it goes, my weekend in review:
*My week was very stressful as The Mr. was gone, so when he returned Friday evening I was ecstatic. I was ready to turn over the kids to him and go straight to bed, and I pretty much did just that.

*On Saturday, Thing 2 figured out how to drink from a straw. He is doing very well with it. We have determined that he may be off bottles by the time he turns one after all.

*Also on Saturday, Thing 2 started drinking whole milk, as we were out of formula. He is a couple weeks away from his first birthday so, therefore, a little young to start drinking milk. However, he seemed to enjoy it.

*On Saturday morning, Thing 2 was found standing by himself in the living room without holding on to anything. He didn't stand there very long (less than a minute) before going back to holding on to whatever piece of furniture was closest to him.

*At church this morning, Thing 1 was very well behaved. It was a miracle. Normally we are telling him to sit still, be quiet in church, don't run around, or other things of that nature. Thing 2, however, wanted nothing to do with sitting still.

*Today we actually got some things accomplished around the house before going to church. That never happens. Because of this, we were able to enjoy the day by doing a little shopping. We finally purchase a camera! We also found towels on sale so we purchased some new towels. (The ones we have in our linen closet we actually received as a wedding gift and we have been married for almost 10 years. It was about time to purchase new towels.) I also found a nice purse on sale - 2/3 off it's original price! It was a very successful shopping day!

*I plan to post pictures on this here blog of the new puppy as well as of Thing 1 and Thing 2 as soon as I get a little more familiar with my new camera.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

11 Months

Thing 2 turned 11 months old yesterday. I can't believe he will be a year next month! He has gotten so big and learned so much in this short amount of time. He has gained another 2 teeth - making it 6 teeth all together. He pulls himself up to stand and walks around the room holding on to various pieces of furniture. He doesn't say many words (dada, mama, and no, mostly) but he does jabber on like he has something important to discuss. He has a very independent personality, as well as being very active. He doesn't sit still for a moment! Thing 2 doesn't seem to want help from anyone when he is trying to do something and he isn't shy about letting people know he is working on a new skill. He will try that new skill right out in the open with others watching! This boy exhausts me by having me chase him around and constantly taking things away from him that he isn't supposed to have. No matter how much I may think that I have everything out of reach, he will always spot the one item that I didn't notice and grab it!

*Pictures will come as soon as I get a new camera. It's on my list to purchase before the birthday next month!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend In Review

To continue with my weekend in review tradition, here's how the weekend went in our household.

*Let's see...where to start? On Saturday, I gave The Mr. my new ATM card to activate by going to the ATM and making a withdrawal. I gave him what I thought was my password only to find that my card was retained! I then told him to try my old card and the ATM took that one as well! I contacted the bank whose ATM took my card but since it wasn't my bank they will not give me my card back. I contacted my bank who is sending me a new ATM card that I should receive within 7-10 days.

*I have received a few requests for the name of our puppy as well as pictures. Well, the puppy's name is MJ. Thing 1 wanted to name her Spiderman but since the puppy is female, we went with MJ - keeping with the Spiderman theme. Unfortunately, our camera is not functioning properly. Once we get a new camera, pictures will be posted.

*As I had said, we need a new camera. We did a little research this weekend and still can't decide what to get. I want something that isn't too expensive and works. I also want a camera that takes out the red eye but doesn't do that double flash thing. Anytime I have used a camera with that double flash thing, I always get pictures with Thing 2's eyes closed or he looks like he is drunk. If you have any suggestions, I will take them!

*I decided to take some time for myself this weekend. I have been told by many people that I need to do this so that I don't go crazy. I tried it and I am not sure I was very successful at it. I wandered around the mall by myself for about an hour and then I came back home. I'll try again next weekend. We shall see if I am more successful at it the second time or if I find myself bored again.

*This evening we will be preparing for the week (i.e. meals made, dishes complete). The Mr. is taking another trip for work and this time he will be gone all week. Wish me luck taking care of both boys, a puppy, and our cat by myself! I will need it!

I hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's Puppy Time

So it has been an interesting week. On Monday we had a snow day here in Maryland. My office was closed and The Mr. didn't go to work due to the snow as well. Daycare was closed, leaving the entire family home. Thing 1 was extremely excited. He kept saying "I want to build a snowman!" and kept jumping around the house. Thing 1 spent the morning outside while The Mr. shoveled the driveway. They came in and had hot cocoa.

In the afternoon, we put the boys down for a nap. During this time, The Mr. informed me that he had found someone that was giving away 12 week old puppies. He had e-mailed her to find that they still had them available and that we could come to visit them that day. After naptime, we packed the boys up and drove the 20 minutes to look at the puppies. We found one that we liked and brought her home. She is a sweet, Norwegian Elkhound and is adjusting well to living in our home. Thing 1 loves playing with her and Thing 2 enjoys watching her play and run around outside. The only one in our home that does not get along with the new puppy is our cat. She is not happy to have a puppy in the house. I think they will get along better after the puppy becomes less playful as the cat is not into playing with puppies.

Welcome to our home, puppy!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekend In Review

February was not a good posting month for me. I apologize for that. It's not that I had forgotten about this here blog or that I had nothing to say, it's just that I was extremely tired from starting my new job at the beginning of the month. Things are getting a little better with managing the program. The staff are beginning to see that the things I am putting into place are actually doing some good. My biggest frustration is that during the supervisions with each staff this week, I started out by giving everyone a copy of their job description that we then reviewed to find each person say "I've never seen my job description before!" Ugh!!

Anyway, here is my weekend in review.

*On Friday, I checked my account online to find a surprise. My tax return had come in!!! I was really excited as I could then pay bills! :)

*Also on Friday, I was one of the many people who decided to wait until the last day of the month before heading to the MVA (or DMV for those of you not from Maryland) to renew my registration for my vehicle. I was there for more than 2 hours! I'm not really complaining though as I knew it would be busy on the last day of the month.

*On Saturday, we purchased the boys new shoes. Thing 1 was really starting to outgrow his shoes so it was time. Thing 2 hasn't worn shoes yet, but since he is starting to walk, he is going to need shoes when outside. We will probably still keep him either bare foot or in socks when inside, though.

*Today has been a pretty typical Sunday as we went to church this morning as we do every week and then grabbed a quick lunch. However, both boys were being difficult. Today was one of those days were I asked "Why did I have children?" I am still trying to figure it out!

*A bonus that happened today was both children napped at the same time this afternoon. I also was able to take a nap. (Let's not talk about how long I napped. I think my husband is jealous!) We all woke up refreshed and happy, leading to a much more pleasant evening!

*It began snowing here this afternoon. We are expecting 7-10 inches so I am guessing we will have a snow day tomorrow. I think I may actually enjoy that. I hope to get more work done around the house, if that happens, and Thing 1 wants to make a snowman.