Saturday, November 1, 2008


The boys had a Halloween parade at daycare yesterday that both The Mr. & I went to. It was fun to see the boys and all their classmates walking around outside in costume. I noticed that superheros, particularly Batman, were very popular this year. In one of the classes, they had 3 children dressed up as a monkey! I didn't realize that monkey would be so popular!!

Thing 1 chose his costume as well as his little brother's costume. The day that the costumes were purchased, I was home in bed, sick with the beginnings of pneumonia. Thing 1 decided to be Mr. Incredible and picked out a bumblebee costume for Thing 2. The Mr. said that there wasn't much choice in the infant section when they went as there were only 3 costumes to choose from (bumblebee, ladybug, or chili pepper). I think it turned out well.
Thing 2 fell asleep before we ever started trick-or-treating so he was just pushed along the neighborhood in his stroller. Thing 1 really enjoyed trick-or-treating this year. He fully understood the concept (much different than last year where he kept trying to trade in the piece of candy he got at one house for a different one at the next house). He ended up with a lot of candy and we didn't even go to that many houses. The minimum number of pieces at each house was 2 and by the end they were giving out bags of candy!!
How was everyone else's Halloween experience? Happy Halloween!!


Ann(ie) said...

GREAT costumes!! My lil man was a bee last year (but didn't look as happy as yours did about it) and this year he rocked a cow costume. I managed to eat all his candy. ;)

Shanna said...

What cute costumes. Of course I am partial to Mr. Incredible since big monkey was that. He kept telling people he was the dad Mr. Incredible, but the way he ran from house to house, I would say he was the son Dash!
I love the bee.