Thursday, December 11, 2008


We have had some difficult couple of weeks with Thing 2. He has been teething for what seems like months. Each day recently he has gotten crankier and crankier. He is normally a sweet, laid back boy, but trying to get those teeth to come in really has him in a bad mood. He has been crying and whining a lot. Nothing seemed to make it better. It had even been disrupting his sleep.

Well, yesterday when I picked him up from daycare, one of his teachers informed me that a tooth was finally starting to emerge. I looked in his mouth and found that a tooth has cut through the gums. It has not come up enough to really see it or even feel it but he does have a split in the bottom gums. I am excited that he is finally getting teeth. I am hoping that it will make him less cranky and more like himself!

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