Thursday, January 15, 2009

Interesting Report

The other day I picked the boys up from daycare as usual. When I arrived at Thing 1’s room the conversation went sort of like this:

Teacher: Do you watch a lot of Disney movies with kissing in them at home?
Me: Not that I know of, why?
Teacher: Because Thing 1 was kissing this little girl on the mouth during naptime.
Me: Oh!

So on the ride home, I asked Thing 1 about this kissing incident. I found out some very interesting preschool drama. For example, the little girl who I thought was Thing 1’s girlfriend is no longer his girlfriend. She is now the girlfriend of another little boy. I also found out that the little girl that Thing 1 kissed is also not his girlfriend. One of the new girls in his class is actually his girlfriend. I feel like this is a little soap opera or something.

I didn’t realize all of this started at age 3. I think I’m going to be in trouble when he is a teenager! The Mr. says we have a little Casanova.


Ann(ie) said...

HA! I love it....a little daycare Melrose Place. I'm worried that my boy will be the bully not the kisser!~ =/

Shanna said...

Oh wow! 3 and already the drama! Good luck during the teenage years. My 3 year old likes to pinch boobies... I may be in trouble too!