Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time Out

It may sound like I am going to write about time outs for my children, but I am not. I am actually going to write about spending time out with my husband. Alone.

A few weeks ago we received an invitation in the mail to a wedding for one of my co-workers. I was excited to receive the invitation as I never thought that I may actually be invited. I was also excited to find that The Mr. and I might actually get to spend an evening out together without children. I promptly (well, maybe not so promptly as it didn’t arrive on the designated return by date – it was a day late) returned the RSVP card stating that we would indeed be attending. I then began looking for a babysitter. Since we live many, many miles away from any family that would be willing to watch our children for free without a second thought, I began what ended up being a long journey of asking multiple people to watch my 2 children. I didn’t realize this would be such an ordeal. Thing 1 has had a babysitter twice in his life (and he will be 4 in April) and Thing 2 has never been with a babysitter.

Over the course of the past two weeks I have asked multiple people if they would be available or knew someone who would be available to watch my boys for approximately 8 hours on a Sunday as we are attempting to attend a wedding and reception. The first 2 people I asked had other plans (one had a family birthday and the other already had a babysitting job that day). The next group of 3 I had asked requested what I thought was way too much money. I didn’t realize that babysitters were requesting $15-$20 per hour to watch 2 children. I quickly and politely told them this was not in my budget and it wouldn’t be happening. I had to ask 8 people before I found someone who was available and would babysit for the amount I was willing to pay. I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to find a babysitter and how lucrative the business was. If I could consistently make $15-$20 per hour in cash for babysitting, I may have to think about quitting my current job.


Mr Lady said...

I have a 14 year old older sister of my kids' classmate that I pay $10 for three kids, and she's actually asked me to pay her less. I have another girl that I use for flat-rate, all day things. Like weddings and receptions. She just makes $60 (guess, not sure, the husband pays her) every time she babysits, and it's going to be ALL DAY.

That's my plan, and it works for me. And yeah, I kind of want to start babysitting. :)

Kendra said...

If a baby-sitter is getting $20.00/hour for two kids, she'd better be cleaning my house and doing my laundry while she is there. That is crazy!

Shanna said...

It can be outrageous. We had one girl who charged $7 /hour for the first child and another $3 each additional. That was not too bad. Luckily our nanny will babysit most times and she just takes what we give her, which can open up a whole new list of questions!! I never feel like I am paying enough.