Friday, January 16, 2009

9 Months

This past month Thing 2 has accomplished many feats. On Christmas, he began crawling. And now he does it like a pro. A few weeks ago we found him sitting up in his crib when we went to get him out of bed in the morning. He has also said his first words - mama and dada. He is now practicing other consonant sounds. Thing 2 has begun holding his own spoon and bottle. Throughout this past month, Thing 2 has decided that baby food is not his favorite thing. He would prefer sandwiches (jelly or cheese), pizza, noodles, and veggies. He is not a fan of bananas or mandarin oranges. We believe that he doesn't like the texture of these foods.

This month we are going to work on drinking out of a straw so we can, hopefully, be done with bottles by the time he is one.

1 comment:

Ann(ie) said...

Ben is a texture kid, too. The only fruit I can get him to eat is a banana. That's great your little one is branching out so much already in the food arena!