Sunday, August 31, 2008
Pretty Hairy
Thing 1: "He doesn't have any hair."
The Mr.: "He has a little hair."
Thing 1: "He doesn't have a lot of hair like Daddy."
The Mr.: "Yes, I'm pretty hairy."
Thing 1: "Do you have a hairy penis?"
The Mr. then looked at me and said "Isn't wonderful when they learn how to talk?"
Friday, August 29, 2008
The Little One Is Getting Big
Monday, August 25, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Knights and Turkey Legs
Thing 2 enjoyed people watching and sleeping in the stroller. Anytime Thing 2 was awake, he had this idea in his head that he must be held and that sitting in the stroller would not allow him a good enough view of the many people at the faire.
Normally, The Mr. will dress up in his monk robe but because of the heat today, he decided against it. It wasn’t bad outside, really, considering it is August. Eighty degrees with not too much humidity and the faire is located in an area with lots of trees – much better than some faires we have been to.
We ate a lot of good food that is really bad for us. We had frozen lemonade, meat pies, pulled pork, hot dogs, fried macaroni and cheese on a stick, corn on the cob, apple cobbler a la mode, and, of course, the famous cheesecake on a stick. Starting tomorrow, we will have to begin eating a little healthier.
For those of you who haven’t experienced a renaissance faire, you are missing out. Look for renaissance faires in your area on the internet and then go! Enjoy the festivities. Huzzah!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
50 Years
We celebrated with friends and family on Saturday. We presented my parents with a family tree plaque and had family photos taken, which hadn’t been done in years. It was amazing how many people came to share in the joy of an anniversary considering some were coming from a bit of a drive and some were much older (we had 2 that travelled about 2 hours and were both about 90 years old!). My parents had a wonderful time and were able to see people they hadn’t seen in years.
To my parents – Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary! May you celebrate many, many more.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Luckily I have a great friend who is helping me out with the whole soiree. She recommended a place for me to get a cake for the party and even went to the bakery to take pictures of the cakes and e-mailed them to me. She plans to pick up the cake for me and drive it to my parents’ home. I also found out that my Dad’s side of the family is planning to use this party as their yearly reunion. It will be nice to see family that I haven’t seen in years although a bit overwhelming as I hope I will have enough food, seating, etc.
If the anniversary party wasn’t enough, Thing 2 will have his baptism this weekend. Yes, another party and family event. He will be baptized along with his cousin who is 2 months younger than him at their church. We are the godparents for our new nephew and The Mr.’s brother and his wife will be godparents to Thing 2. It is nice that we will be able to have both baptized at the same time and in the same church (we had to do some planning ahead of time and have our church write a letter stating that Thing 2 could be baptized in the other church – both Catholic, however). Also on the positive side, my sister-in-law is taking care of the lunch after the baptism at her home so I don’t have to do much for that except show up. I thank her tremendously for this as I don’t think I could plan two events for the same weekend without going crazy!
I will be sure to let you know how the parties go, unless I pass out from exhaustion beforehand!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Token Economy
Also on Friday and Saturday, Thing 1’s behavior was horrendous. He was not listening, throwing things, and just being a royal pain. After he got up from his nap on Saturday, I enlisted the token economy. We had these gold pirate coins that Thing 1 likes to play with so I told him that he could earn one of these coins for being good and that we would put them in a plastic bowl on a shelf in the living room. He was given rules on what was considered being good and what was being bad. He seemed to understand and we started earning coins right away. He earned one coin Saturday evening and 3 coins on Sunday but lost one on Sunday because of not listening. He has been told that if he is on the green at school (they use a stop light to show how good their behavior is at school – green means no time outs, yellow means one time out, and red means a challenging day) then he will get another coin. At the end of the week, he will then get a special prize based on how many coins he has earned. We are not yet sure what the prize will be but it may just be to spend quality time with mom or dad by himself doing an activity that he enjoys. The token economy is working so far. We shall see what today brings.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Thing 1's Terrible, Awful Day
On the way home from daycare, I attempted to get out of Thing 1 what had happened that caused him to poop in his pants instead of asking to go back to the bathroom. Since I was speaking to a 3 year old, I didn’t get a response that made much sense – other than he didn’t like that particular teacher. After we got home, I spoke to him again and we practiced what to say to someone if they do something we do not like or if we are upset with somebody. We also discussed that under no circumstances is it ok to poop or pee in our pants. He seemed to understand and did the role playing rather well.
Later that night, after bedtime, Thing 1 kept getting out of bed saying he had to pee. He was up every hour until finally at 2:30am I put him in bed with us. We talked for a few minutes at which time he stated that he was scared and upset. I didn’t figure out what exactly was bothering him, but he did calm down and finally fell asleep.
I laid in bed thinking about the events of Friday afternoon. Then it dawned on me that Thing 1 was in time out one other time this week when I picked him up and, on both days, it was the same teacher that had put him in time out and it was on the days that she stayed late. Knowing Thing 1, it just didn’t sound like him to deliberately poop in his pants. Yes, he gets upset and angry when put in time out or to have an activity taken away from him when he is bad, but he doesn’t glare at us and then poop in his pants. He may yell and say some not very nice things, but nothing like that.
So, now, also knowing that this particular teacher has only been working at the daycare and in his class for about 2 weeks, I am a little concerned. It is possible that Thing 1 was being a pain in the butt and deliberately pooped in his pants on Friday. It is also very possible that earlier in the week that he was not listening to his teachers and wrestling with another kid in his class that put him in time out. There just seems to be something about this whole thing that doesn’t add up (which may be because I am getting my story from a 3 year old). I spoke to The Mr. this morning about my feelings and stated that I may do some unannounced visits at the daycare this coming week to observed Thing 1’s behavior and how the teachers respond. I kept asking if I was overreacting and The Mr. said that if it bothered me, I should check it out. So, I will probably be taking my lunch at weird times this week so I can pop in at daycare to put my mind at ease.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
It's That Season Again!!!
Anyway, I have been reading some of the coverage of Brett Favre and his retirement – or no retirement. I have to say, since I am not a Packers fan, I am also not a Brett Favre fan. My biggest pet peeve with the entire thing is he needs to make up his mind. If he plans to retire, then retire already and let someone else have a chance at the limelight. If you are not going to retire, then don’t make a big speech about retiring and cry in front of millions of people about leaving the game.
Despite this Packers/Brett Favre issue, I am looking forward to the regular season starting. If you wonder where I am on a Sunday or Monday night, you can find me on my couch with my family, eating food that is really bad for me but tastes oh so good, watching the best sport of all time.
Monday, August 4, 2008
30 is old?
Not only have I now thrown my back out, but last night I pinched a nerve. I have never had a pinched nerve before and would prefer to never have it again. I spent the entire night trying to get comfortable enough to sleep with no avail. I tried sleeping on my right side, on my left side, and on my back. I, then, moved into the living room to try to sleep on the chaise sitting up. Nothing worked. The pain in my back was so bad that it turned my stomach. (For those of you who have weak stomachs do not read the next sentence.) I even spent part of the middle of the night in the bathroom throwing up. I remember thinking, "I have given birth, I should be able to handle this pain." I took pain meds and they didn't even help. I was finally able to fall asleep sometime after 3:30am but had to be up at 5:30am for work. Needless to say, I did not make it to work today. Instead I spent the day nursing a sore back and catching up on some much needed sleep.