Saturday, August 23, 2008

Knights and Turkey Legs

We took Thing 1 and Thing 2 to the Renaissance Faire today. Thing 1 has been to Renn Faires before as we go every year. However, this year, Thing 1 was old enough to participate in some of the kids activities and enjoyed looking at everyone in costume. He rode the big slide twice, played on the playground equipment and ship, and he got his first sword.

Thing 2 enjoyed people watching and sleeping in the stroller. Anytime Thing 2 was awake, he had this idea in his head that he must be held and that sitting in the stroller would not allow him a good enough view of the many people at the faire.

Normally, The Mr. will dress up in his monk robe but because of the heat today, he decided against it. It wasn’t bad outside, really, considering it is August. Eighty degrees with not too much humidity and the faire is located in an area with lots of trees – much better than some faires we have been to.

We ate a lot of good food that is really bad for us. We had frozen lemonade, meat pies, pulled pork, hot dogs, fried macaroni and cheese on a stick, corn on the cob, apple cobbler a la mode, and, of course, the famous cheesecake on a stick. Starting tomorrow, we will have to begin eating a little healthier.

For those of you who haven’t experienced a renaissance faire, you are missing out. Look for renaissance faires in your area on the internet and then go! Enjoy the festivities. Huzzah!

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