Saturday, July 24, 2010


I have determined that parenthood needs some more benefits.  Sure there is the love and joy that having children brings but I am talking more about the benefits that a person would get from a paying job.  You know, health insurance, vacation days, sick days...those types of things.  I love my children dearly and enjoy the time that we get to spend together.  I also like being the one they turn to when they need comforting, either because they got a boo boo or because they aren't feeling well.  However, during this past week I have been fighting off something that has decided it would be a good idea to invade my body.  I really just need some rest and quiet.  But since I have two small children, I do not get rest or quiet.  Sure, I took part of a day off work on Monday and The Mr. was home for part of that time so I got to take a nap.  Once he left for work, it was all over for me.  I was back to working, but this time it was around the house.  Kids constantly need something: a drink, something to eat, a toy that is too high to reach...anything.  Then if you do not give them enough attention, they start destroying things, or at least my children do.  By the end of the day I end up more tired than I started out just because I was chasing children around the house.  So if someone could work on getting benefits for parents as it is a very difficult job and there is no break, that would be fabulous and I would be forever in your debt.

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