Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's Been One of Those Days

On Tuesday of this past week, my husband and I started the day by arguing over who would go to work. Daycare was closed and my program was closed, so he won. I really wanted to go to work as I had been home with the kids for 4 days by this point and was going stir crazy. Well, I didn't expect the day to go exactly as it did.

First, in the morning, I left the boys in the living room to play while I went to the bathroom. I came out of the bathroom to find that the boys opened the baby gate, got into the kitchen, pulled out the dog treats, and dumped all of them in MJ's cage. MJ enjoyed this as she had multiple snacks at her disposal without having do to anything to earn them!

That afternoon while the kids took naps at the exact same time (believe me this is rare), I decided to clean some of the house. When the boys got up, I thought that would be a good time to give them a bath before The Mr. got home. Bathtime went as usual - washing and splashing. After bathtime, I put the kids in the living room, again, to play, while I cleaned up the towels and such from the bathroom. You would think I would have learned from the mornings incident. However, I did not. I came back to find that the boys had gotten into the markers and drawn all over themselves. They had drawn on their hands, faces and the back of their necks! By this point, I couldn't wait for The Mr. to get home. I wanted to get my coat on and run away screaming! (Of course, I didn't.) Instead, I sat on a chair and talked to my mother on the phone while I had the boys pick up the toys in the living room. While on the phone, Thing 2 opened the door to the entertainment center. I told him multiple times to close the door. He just stood there and stared at me. He knew exactly what I was telling him to do. I then stood up, he then closed the door.

Once my husband got home, I told him that I was done parenting for the day and it was his turn.

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