Saturday, January 10, 2009

Did he really just say that?

The other day I was trying to get out of the house to take the kids to daycare and myself to work. I was hoping to actually get there on time for a change. I had repeatedly told Thing 1 to get his coat on. I was getting quite annoyed that he continued to play instead of listening to me. While I was getting Thing 2 ready to go outside, I told Thing 1 again to get his coat on. He looked up at me and said "Are you asking me for my opinion?"

After I told him "No, I'm not asking you for your opinion. Get your coat on," I then went into the other room to chuckle without him seeing me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes. some times children do or say such things which make us perplexed or have a hearty laugh.
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