Thursday, October 16, 2008

Time Flies

Thing 2 is 6 months old today. He has grown so much! He can roll over both ways now as well as sit up on his own. He babbles often, although hasn't said anything that anyone can comprehend yet. I think it may take him a little longer to talk as Thing 1 is constantly telling us what Thing 2 wants. Thing 2 is very grabby. He has stacking rings that he loves to reach for, hang on to, and then chew on. He spends time each day in his walker. If he was a little taller, I am sure he would be walking around! He has to use his tip toes to push the walker or his momentum from leaning backward and then rocking forward quickly. He is such a happy baby and a good eater. He is pretty much eating 3-4 meals each day and is on solid foods. He has rice cereal with a fruit or veggie in it twice a day with a 5 ounce bottle and then a veggie with a 6 ounce bottle each evening. He usually has one other bottle during the day as well. I am not sure how big he is as his doctor's appointment isn't until the 24th. I am looking forward to learning how tall he has gotten and how much weight he has put on. It's interesting to see just how early their personalities emerge. He is so different from Thing 1 - has different likes/dislikes and strengths. I am sure the next 6 months will also go by quickly and will bring a lot more movement!


Ann(ie) said...

THAT is one beautiful baby my friend!!!! I loved that age so much!!! I can't believe my baby is gonna be 2 soon. *sigh*

Shanna said...

I could just squeeze him! What a fun age. My second son was much later with talking because his big brother talked for him. He just did not have to say a word!