Friday, October 3, 2008

Nothing But Gunk

I have thought about this blog practically every day this week. I haven’t come up with anything to write about. I think it’s because my head is full of gunk. All in my household are sick with some sort of virus that doesn’t want to go away. The Mr. was home two days last week with this illness. I was home Tuesday and Wednesday this week trying to recover. However, during my first sick day I received a phone call from daycare at 10 in the morning saying that Thing 2 was sick and needed to be picked up. The Mr. picked Thing 2 up and took him to the doctor. It was at this appointment that we found out that this awfulness that has invaded our household is a virus that lasts 2-3 weeks and there is nothing we can do about it. The doctor was even sick. So for the second half of my 1st sick day, I had Thing 2 home with me. At about 3 o’clock that afternoon, daycare called again stating that Thing 1 was not feeling well. I informed them that I would try to get a hold of my husband to pick him up. The teacher said not to worry about it at this time and just see if he could pick up Thing 1 early. I was unable to get in contact with The Mr. until after 4pm, at which time I had received a 2nd call about Thing 1 – that he was indeed sick. The Mr. stated that he would be there to pick up Thing 1 as soon as he could.

On my 2nd sick day, I was home with 2 sick boys. Thing 2 slept a lot in the morning but was happy and playing in the afternoon. Thing 1…I don’t think he was all that sick. Does he have a cold? Yes. Could he have gone to daycare? Yes. I just feared receiving more phone calls from daycare while I was trying to rest. Thing 1 didn’t nap all day. Instead, he played, watched various movies on DVD, and demanded my attention. I didn’t get any rest on my 2nd sick day.

Yesterday I decided everyone would be going back to their normal weekly routine. The kids went to daycare and The Mr. and I went to work. I have to say I still feel like I could use a day of sleep but I guess when you are a mother, there is no sick day.

1 comment:

Ann(ie) said...

OH girl. That sucks!!! :( It's going around here, too and I'm just saying a prayer it doesn't hit our household with a vengeance. Although with a kid in daycare I betcha it will. =/ Bah. I'm taking massive amount of Vit C.