Monday, September 22, 2008

Who's Your Daddy?

As you may have read, I was doing the single mom thing last week as The Mr. was in Florida for work. When he is gone, we have a pretty structured schedule. Thing 1 has difficulty with change and is not at all flexible so the schedule thing works well for us.

On Friday evening, The Mr. came home from his trip, early enough to help out with dinner and help put the kids to bed. When he arrived home, Thing 1 was excited to see him and gave him hugs. Thing 2, on the other hand, just stared at him with a confused look on his face. He would look from me to him and back again. Then Thing 2 put his lower lip out and pouted and eventually started crying while looking at Daddy. The Mr. tried to hold him and comfort him, but Thing 2 wasn’t having any of that. He cried and pushed away from The Mr. I ended up having to take Thing 2 into his bedroom to rock him and get him to calm down. Once calm, The Mr. helped me make Thing 2’s dinner and talked to him. Thing 2 seemed to be ok so The Mr. held him for a little while and then fed him. It took probably a good half an hour before Thing 2 thought that The Mr. was indeed Daddy. The Mr. felt awful that his youngest son couldn’t remember who he was. It was quite sad!


Ann(ie) said...

OH that will pretty much crush a parent. =/ That's happened to both Matt and I since we both work FT. I'm glad he warmed up to his papa!!

Shanna said...

Poor guy, that must have been awful.

Kirsten Oliphant said...

Oh, man. I can't imagine! I'm taking my little guy on a trip away soon and hope he doesn't forget his daddy!