Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We're Off!

Tomorrow we leave for a long weekend trip.  We are going to see some friends that we haven't seen in awhile and share in their wedding experience.  The Mr. will be doing a reading at the wedding, I will be a bridesmaid, and Thing 1 is going to be the ring bearer.  I am looking forward to seeing my 4-year old in a tux and top hat!  I will be sure to post pictures when we get back!  I hope everyone has had a great week so far and has a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


On Thing 1's birthday, about a month ago, we planted a few pumpkin seeds in a dixie cup.  About a week later it had sprouted and was ready to be placed in the ground.  Here are a few pictures of Thing 1 helping The Mr. plant the pumpkin in the ground.
And this is what the pumpkin looked like yesterday...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just Pictures

I have been neglecting my blog, lately. I apologize. I have been busy with work and with the kids as The Mr. was gone last week. Also, 3 out of the 4 of us are in a wedding in just under 2 weeks so we have been getting ourselves prepared for that. Anyway, here are some pictures to keep you checking this blog.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


It's been a little while since I have posted. Let's see...where to start?

Well, my parents visited for 10 days. They were here for Thing 1's birthday and enjoyed the beginning of their visit. Each time they visit, we tend to keep the kids out of daycare so the boys can spend time with their grandparents. About halfway through my parents' visit, my mother became ill. Her eyes were red, watery, and itchy and she just felt miserable. After about 3 days of this, she decided that I could take her to the doctor. So, I took the boys to daycare (I love my father, but he just cannot take care of kids by himself for any longer than a few minutes - he doesn't change diapers or any of that sort of thing) and then sat with my mother at the doctor's office. The doctor determined that she had allergies (which is what we figured) and prescribed her some medication. She was told she would feel better in about three days. Unfortunately, three days after that doctor's appointment my parents were going back home! My parents did not get to spend as much quality time with the boys as they would have liked!

On the day that my parents left, I had to get up at 3:30am to take them to the airport for their 6am flight. At 3am, Thing 1 came into our bedroom stating that he wasn't feeling well. He stayed in bed with us for the rest of his night. After I got back from the airport (about 5am) and got up for the day, The Mr. noticed that Thing 1 had a fever. We took his temperature and the fever was at 103.4. The Mr. decided to stay home as it was my first day back to work after vacation. We contacted the doctor and received an appointment for late in the afternoon. By the time the appointment time came, Thing 1's fever was slightly above normal. The doctor stated that it was a virus and to control the fever with Tylenol.

On Tuesday, Thing 1 was doing much better so I took him to daycare. About noon that day I received a call from daycare stating that he had been sleeping most of the morning and had a low grade fever so he needed to be picked up. The Mr., yet again, took the rest of the day off to watch him. He seemed to be doing well the rest of the day and was very much back to his old self on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday went pretty well for the majority of the day as both children went to daycare and both The Mr. and I went to work. At 4pm that day, I received a call from daycare stating that Thing 2 had a fever of 103. So, I called the doctor's office to receive an appointment for today at 4:15. Knowing how this had gone with Thing 1, I believed that by 4:15 today, Thing 2's fever would pretty much be gone. The Mr. took yet another day off of work as I had a budget meeting to discuss my program for the next fiscal year at work (which took 3 hours by the way). When I arrived home from work today, Thing 2 was acting as he typically does. He was rambunctious and talkative. He did have a small fever, even though he has had Tylenol. I am guessing he will be out of daycare again tomorrow and that I will probably stay home with him so The Mr. can actually get some work done this week.

This has been my life for the past 2 weeks. I have been taking care of my sick mother and then we have been taking care of our sick kids! I told both the boys that they are no longer allowed to be ill. I am hoping they actually do what I have requested! We shall see how next week goes.