Saturday, May 22, 2010


Yesterday was a milestone for Thing 1. We attended kindergarten orientation! As we drove to the school, The Mr. and I were discussing who would go in with Thing 1 as one of us would need to stay with Thing 2. Both of us had questions and wanted to see the school but thought it would be best for all parties involved, particularly the ones that would be at the school that we did not know, to only have one of us go in instead of taking Thing 2 as well. I decided to go as I felt I wouldn't get a full story out of The Mr. on the events that occurred. I knew I would want to know what happened and who said what for each minute that he was in there.

Thing 1 and I walked into the school to get our name tags and then I went into the office to drop off paperwork to prove he had all of his immunizations and had been to the doctor for a check-up recently. We were then told that the kids would go into classrooms based on the color and animal of their name tag and the parents would go into the cafeteria. So I walked the long hallway with Thing 1 and one of the 5th graders who was showing us the way to the kindergarten classrooms where I proceeded to let go of his hand so he could sit on the carpet. I had a feeling of nervousness wash over me as I watched him go with the teacher and sit with all the other kids. I then, along with the other parents, walked back down the hallway to go to the cafeteria to learn some things about the school.

First, we met the principal who had just started at the school in February and replaced the principal who had been there for many years. She told us a little bit about herself and gave us some information about the school. We then met the nurse and health assistant. The guidance counselor spoke about her position in the school and how she visits each classroom twice each month and also runs various groups, including social skills and anger management. Finally we met the reading instructor who informed us that our children do not need to know how to read before starting school. They realize that children come in at various levels of reading and letter recognition but by the time kindergarten is over each child will know how to read. She said they start out with letter recognition and sounds and then move to small words and stories. After hearing from each of these individuals, the principal said that we would go back to the classrooms with our children to meet back in the cafeteria in approximately 40 minutes to get a bag of information to take home.

All the parents walked down to the kindergarten classrooms and dispersed ourselves into the 4 rooms where we left our children. I found Thing 1 at a table with another child who were learning about magnets. Thing 1 seemed pretty comfortable being there. The teacher encouraged the parents and the children to explore all areas of the classroom during our time there. We then went to the weight station to learn about what objects were heavier than others. We ended at the play dough station before the teacher called everyone back to the tables to complete a project. Thing 1 sat at a table and was given a piece of paper and animal cutouts to glue on it. The teacher asked the children to find and glue on each animal onto the paper (each animal had the names of the teachers on it). She then stated that this would be something each child could take home to remember the day. On our way out of the classroom, each child received a few letters written by the kindergartners in that classroom to read when we got home along with a pair of animal sunglasses.

We went back to the cafeteria to obtain our bag of goodies and then went on our way. Thing 1 didn't want to leave as he had areas of the classroom that he wanted to explore that he did not have time for. I thought this was a good sign as this would mean an easier transition for him. Thing 1 thrives on structure and schedules. He does not do well with changes to his routine. We have been talking to him about going to kindergarten for almost a year and have been taking about registration since January and the orientation since the beginning of April. I am very happy that he enjoyed himself and I am, hesitantly, looking forward to him starting school in the fall. It will be bittersweet as it's a huge milestone filled with adventure and learning but it is also sad as it means my baby is growing up and becoming more independent.

Friday, May 7, 2010


We typically get the kids' pictures formally taken about twice a year - during Christmastime and then around their birthdays. You never know how children are going to act during pictures and if the time you choose will be the best time for that particular day for the kids. So, I did everything I could think of to get the kids to cooperate for picture time. We had Thing 2 take a nap at such a time that he would wake up, be able to eat, change clothes and get to the studio happy and well fed. We had Thing 1 take a rest and I begged and pleaded with him to be good and cooperate for the picture.

Well, everything that we did worked this time. Thing 1 was comfortable, therefore making Thing 2 comfortable. He has a way of making his little brother relax around people he doesn't know and in environments that he may be unfamiliar with. Thing 1 can do this better than anyone, including us. He was a huge help throughout the picture taking ordeal.

Anyway, here's our family:
We thought that bringing the bubble makers would make for a great picture. Unfortunately, the pictures with the boys actually playing in the bubbles didn't turn out well. Thing 1 was constantly in front of Thing 2. Great idea in theory, but not so great in execution.

My boys are getting so big! Thing 2 has such funky hair. Not much we can do about it - trust me I've tried. It's always been that way...even when he was very little.

Here we all are. Aren't we cute?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weekend Fun

Since The Mr. started his new job just about a week ago and part of his job includes working every weekend, I have to come up with activities for the kids to do all weekend so we don't go crazy! I am not very creative so all of my ideas ran out by the end of Saturday. Hopefully I can come up with something by this weekend that will cover both Saturday and Sunday or I could be in trouble.

So, after Thing 2's nap on Saturday we went to the park. It was extremely warm out so we stayed until the water ran out - which was about an hour.

After the park, I did something that was probably not the best idea, I took the boys to the grocery store. Alone. Without any assistance. Crying ensued when the TV carts were not in service. Luckily I got them calmed down so that we could move on to phase two of our fun for the evening. We purchased items to make our own pizzas.
The boys seemed to enjoy this project as anything that involves food works for them. They are probably going to eat us out of house and home before they turn 10 at the rate they are going! Of course, they put tons of cheese on the pizzas. There also seemed to be "a little cheese on the pizza, a little cheese in my mouth" going on.
They also seemed to enjoy eating their creations:

Wish me luck in coming up with ideas for this weekend and all the following weekends. I'm not sure how long I can keep this creative thing going. I may need some help!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ready to Talk

So there have been some changes in our household within the past 6 weeks. At the end of March my husband lost his job. We were devastated as we didn't see it coming. We immediately pulled the kids out of daycare and changed the way we were spending money. The company did give him a severance package which helped us make it through the month of April and could help us with the month of May.

The Mr. spent time with the boys by taking them to the park, to the beach, and to the library. He continued to help Thing 1 with his writing and is assisting him with learning his address and phone number before starting kindergarten in the fall. It was a mixed blessing having him home. It was nice to see him and have him be able to spend time with the kids. His job had him traveling so much that we hardly saw him and Thing 2 saw him even less than Thing 1 due to his bedtime. We had had many conversations over the past 6 months to year about his schedule with his job and how I felt that it wasn't allowing him to spend time with his family and focus on what is important.

Well on April 26, exactly one month after The Mr. lost his job, he started another one. It wasn't the best of jobs but it brings in money and allows him to stay home with the kids during the day. The Mr. is working in a restaurant for the evening running a cash register and cleaning (much different than training people in a division that covers multiple states). We worked out our schedules so that we don't need childcare. The Mr. cooks dinner for us before going to work and me arriving home so that we wouldn't have to eat out (thus saving money).

On his third day of employment, The Mr. got a promotion to managing the restaurant. The woman who owns it is a franchisee and needed a manager for that store. During his interview she had said that if he liked the company, she would start management training within a week. Well, management training started on day 3. So did the schedule change. She is trying to accommodate his need to take care of our children, thus making it so he works 3-4 evenings during the week and every weekend from open to close (essentially from 8:30am-10pm). This schedule allows him to see the kids during the week but we will never get time together.

The thing that has always gotten me through when we have had rough times is the fact that it won't last forever. I know things will turn around and everything will work out. I am thankful for what we have as I know it could be much worse. Many people have been without jobs for much longer than my husband had and I am lucky to be with a company that is so supportive. Yes, this new schedule sucks but I know that it is what is best for us for right now. It is allowing The Mr. to spend much needed quality time with the boys. It is allowing us to see what is truly important and only spending time and money on those things.

I am thankful for my friends and family who have kept us in their thoughts and prayers during the past 6 weeks. I know that this rocky road is not quite over as we still have obstacles to overcome but I also know we are on our way out of it. Thank you.