Thing 1 and I walked into the school to get our name tags and then I went into the office to drop off paperwork to prove he had all of his immunizations and had been to the doctor for a check-up recently. We were then told that the kids would go into classrooms based on the color and animal of their name tag and the parents would go into the cafeteria. So I walked the long hallway with Thing 1 and one of the 5th graders who was showing us the way to the kindergarten classrooms where I proceeded to let go of his hand so he could sit on the carpet. I had a feeling of nervousness wash over me as I watched him go with the teacher and sit with all the other kids. I then, along with the other parents, walked back down the hallway to go to the cafeteria to learn some things about the school.
First, we met the principal who had just started at the school in February and replaced the principal who had been there for many years. She told us a little bit about herself and gave us some information about the school. We then met the nurse and health assistant. The guidance counselor spoke about her position in the school and how she visits each classroom twice each month and also runs various groups, including social skills and anger management. Finally we met the reading instructor who informed us that our children do not need to know how to read before starting school. They realize that children come in at various levels of reading and letter recognition but by the time kindergarten is over each child will know how to read. She said they start out with letter recognition and sounds and then move to small words and stories. After hearing from each of these individuals, the principal said that we would go back to the classrooms with our children to meet back in the cafeteria in approximately 40 minutes to get a bag of information to take home.
All the parents walked down to the kindergarten classrooms and dispersed ourselves into the 4 rooms where we left our children. I found Thing 1 at a table with another child who were learning about magnets. Thing 1 seemed pretty comfortable being there. The teacher encouraged the parents and the children to explore all areas of the classroom during our time there. We then went to the weight station to learn about what objects were heavier than others. We ended at the play dough station before the teacher called everyone back to the tables to complete a project. Thing 1 sat at a table and was given a piece of paper and animal cutouts to glue on it. The teacher asked the children to find and glue on each animal onto the paper (each animal had the names of the teachers on it). She then stated that this would be something each child could take home to remember the day. On our way out of the classroom, each child received a few letters written by the kindergartners in that classroom to read when we got home along with a pair of animal sunglasses.
We went back to the cafeteria to obtain our bag of goodies and then went on our way. Thing 1 didn't want to leave as he had areas of the classroom that he wanted to explore that he did not have time for. I thought this was a good sign as this would mean an easier transition for him. Thing 1 thrives on structure and schedules. He does not do well with changes to his routine. We have been talking to him about going to kindergarten for almost a year and have been taking about registration since January and the orientation since the beginning of April. I am very happy that he enjoyed himself and I am, hesitantly, looking forward to him starting school in the fall. It will be bittersweet as it's a huge milestone filled with adventure and learning but it is also sad as it means my baby is growing up and becoming more independent.