Yesterday, after dinner, we headed out into the big, wide world in our best costumes to do some much needed trick-or-treating. Thing 1 had this trick-or-treating thing down. He wasted no time and ran from one house to the next. Thing 2, however, was pushed from house to house in his stroller and enjoyed being given candy for looking cute in a skeleton costume. After this endeavor, I do have one piece of advice for all who hand out halloween candy. *gets on soap box* Please offer candy to all children, no matter how small. I know my youngest child can not really eat candy, but he did see his older brother get candy at each house and feels he is entitled to anything older brother gets. If you must, just give the older child one piece of candy and the younger child one piece of candy. This will please the younger one greatly and we really do not need more that one or two pieces of candy per house anyway. For those of you who did not give candy to my youngest, once we left your house he got very angry and I am sure he cursed you in his own language. Thank you for listening. *Takes a bow and gets off soap box.*
Now to the real reason you came by this blog: Pictures!
We hope everyone had a safe and happy halloween!!!